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Spoils of Victory
HD 00:55
Furlaxe Studios
HD 01:53


Furlaxe Studios
HD 01:53


Secondlife Pictures.

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A lot of people ask me where they hell had I been these past few years. Well idk. But I do know I'm back now lol. I am thinking about making more videos soon but meanwhile I'll be focusing on photos since I lost my video software due to eviction a few years ago. So stay tune and you'll hear from me later on.
I did not notice your post to my wall until now...for obvious reasons, I tend to just come here, look for new videos, watch them, download any of interest to save for later (in case a user here begins to delete them for personal reasons), and I go.

Don't worry about it; the fans of your videos will always be there...everyone will always have naysayers and haters. It's just a general fact of life, sadly. Can't please everyone...someone is bound to be upset over you for their own reasons.

Guess what? That probably means you did something right. :P
My videos have been moved elsewhere and will not be posted here on this website for now on. If you want the new weblink location, please send a private message.
My latest videos are now set to public.
I guess we need to make videos private, or haters thumb down every video.
Is there someone going around trolling you as you do the better furry videos out there. really do not get why they keep disliking them
Very nice sci-fi video. I love the background and the outfits
She's a second life friend of mine, and she's got a black phoenix. I asked cause you two have similar avatars.
I still have my disc as well, the golden days of nfs. :)
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