CivilWar FinalTrailer720p

88% 44 6
31911   7 years ago
opiumud | 663 subscribers
31911   7 years ago
Tags: overwatch
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Yea, Opiumud definitely does awesome, consistently frequent animation releases. If I wanted to be a douche there 'might' be a few small things that could be critiqued about his work but there is so much else in other regards that he does that is rarely seen if at all from any other of this community's members and animators etc etc. His releases are from what I've seen always exponentially longer than, again, nearly anyone else's work save maybe Lord Aardvark, StudioFOW, Barbell (whom most of you are probably aware of already as is and know the quality of what they put out) and I'm sure some other awesome artists out there which I'm feeling bad for not having their names readily available at the moment but my memory is shit so my apologies to the other quality artists I'm forgetting. For Opiumud I'll say this....Everything from him I've seen...even the characters he chooses to create his works about all make me wish I could financially afford to give him some help and see everything else that's been reserved for the people that sustain artists like this to keep doing what they're doing. We need to quit demanding from people like this and be thankful and appreciative for what works of theirs they make publicly available. Keep it up Opiumud, and everyone else! You guys all do fairly amazing crap that I'm sure is tedious as all get out at times to keep producing steadily!
will we see some public version of this movie or it will be patreon only?
so when can we expect this
Wow 98 minutes of movie, must be a very long project with tons of hours put in it, I'm sure it will be really good :)
ok. link to dowload this trailer:!FQ5SnJLR!MzVVZltNUMtoanaCkZeBPmO5P-SvM0vzx9VdyTrEtWs
Oh my god. How have I never heard of you before this!?
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