Images From: Fantasy 43 Notebook

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Froggy | 334 subscribers
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Still, taking this model apart, I must say I like some parts.

The outfit is great, no complaints there. I also love her hairstyle and the shape of her ears, and her skin tone is not bad.

The parts I do not like it however, are her lips (I sorta feel like they should be thinner), and I also feel like her snout should be slimmer and more.... pointy(?) maybe? Not sure of what's the best word. And of course, there's the absence of make-up, which makes her eyes look a bit weird.
Yeah, I can see this just won't work with the set of tools we have. Make-up is a very important part of the egyptian looks, so without that, it's just a beast girl on a shiny attire.

Also, better not force yourself to do it if you don't want to; nothing good comes out of pushing yourself into something you yourself don't like...
So I cloned the Fox girl, photoshopped her skin to be darker and with a purple tint, and dressed her up as Egyptian as I could. Even though I was able to find a small number of decent clothes, I ran into a another problem: Make-up really doesn't work, as least getting that super thick Egyptian stuff doesn't work. I'll have to go in and photoshop it right onto her head, and compensate for color drift. A bigger problem is that jewelry simply does not work on anthro-girls at all. Ear rings, nose rings, nothing works.

All in all I'd say that while I can do it, I really don't want to. Even with a lot of work I don't see the end result being much better than what's up there now. So either I need to come up with some kind of miracle insight in my sleep, or just start over & try a completely different kind of girl from scratch.