Images From: Fantasy 43 Notebook

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Froggy | 334 subscribers
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Hm, these don't look bad. Still, if you need more inspiration for this one, just say so and I'll poke that friend of mine who just LOVES them female Anubises, so maybe he's got some better reference material that could yield something more doable.

I went to Sankaku Complex and did a search for "Anubis Jackal" to see if I could find some inspiration there. Here are the three pictures I found that I think are most in line with what I might be able to actually do.

So far it looks like it will actually be pretty easy. I'd basically be just reskinning the same fox girl from Fantasy #35 and altering her snout just a little. The tricky part is that I'd have to make the skin, or at least alter an existing one in photoshop. Still, that's one of the few things that I actually sort of know how to do, so we'll see how that turns out.