[CACTUS] ~Requiem~ (No Sound - read comment)

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I appreciate the effort that you put into making this. Good luck on future efforts.
DLSite is a very trustworthy site, personally I would’ve bought it myself to save myself the trouble of stitching together 97 gifs that I had to download individually in comparison but I don’t have access to a computer for the time being so it’s not an option for me at this time
How do I know it won't be virus

If someone is willing, you can buy the game from here and if you upload the game with sound in its entirety you’d be my hero, unfortunately something I can’t do myself from a mobile sadly
This video is the result of me downloading 97 seperate gifs from this album on my phone https://e-hentai.org/g/1109999/a4dd27f6f7/ and stitching them all together, unfortunately there’s no sound since they’re gifs and the quality isn’t the best but I wanted to upload this since I couldn’t find this video anywhere online