Images From: Fantasy 50 Notebook

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Froggy | 334 subscribers
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That being said, doing a character of my own loosely based off this Elena character is something I probably could take a shot at... and boy was that a stupid idea.

First, the skin didn't even exist. At all. Nothing out there even came close. And my Photoshop blew up with my last computer crash & wipe. So all I have left is Gimp, which sadly lives up to it's name.

So you see this mess? That's after over THREE HOURS of painting up a skin, morphing, putting in eyes, editing the skin more, fiddling with body sliders, editing the skin more, tweaking, editing the skin more. I wanted to scream by the time I even got to this point. The only reason I kept going was that I didn't want to throw away the previous three hours of work.