Images From: Fantasy 49 Notebook

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Froggy | 334 subscribers
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Those familiar with this channel know that I do women in all sizes. Short, tall, skinny, curvy, small tits and big tits. But the true breast "enthusiast" is probably still saying "You call that big? That's not big. Make them big! Make them the size of the MOON!" And, well, that's just not going to happen - at least in this series.

The reason is that the Fantasy series takes place in a classic fantasy world with elves, orcs and all that stuff. So those massive, gravity defying and spine crushing balloons of absurdity you see elsewhere just aren't going to float in a world without silicone enhancement. So you'll sometimes see big, but you won't see me crossing the line from "impressive" to "impossible."

Now if I ever do an outer-space sci-fi series, that may change, but don't hold your breath.