Rouge X Kunckles (Critiques Please!)

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5229   7 years ago
ToxicTiger | 114 subscribers
5229   7 years ago
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Lack of sound is always awkward. At least put in a music track.

The vagina and anus look like plumbing. Like pipes sticking out of her pelvis.

I don't know anything about this type of animation to offer any more of a critique.
Looking for massive tits
@ZenfoldT thank you for the feedback. I think I am aware of what you are talking about. unfortunately I believe it's an issue with the model, not a whole lot I can do about it right now. it's damn annoying though.

@Shishigami Yeah I'm not sure what's wrong with this website lately. I am rarely able to post. it tells me my message is spam and deletes itself.
I love the models! Loved the progression and various positions. The only small issue for me was how there was a protrusion at the rear view of Rouge looking like she had balls. Would love to have sound. Thanks for sharing!
Was my comment marked as spam. . .? Fuckin. . . .