Fantasy 7 - Juggling Act

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6169   9 years ago
Froggy | 334 subscribers
6169   9 years ago
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Well it looks like the troll is back & downvoting all my stuff again. I find it kinda funny that on a site that is 90% dickgirls that someone would find monstergirls offensive somehow. Anyway...

SomeDude9: Limits of the game engine, I'm afraid. I'm no modder - I just work with Tk17 stuff that other people have created. Flexible tails are something a real programmer would have to invent before I could use it.

Headsexplode: Thank you!

And if anyone out there is a real programmer or modder, I highly encourage you to check out the Modgarden for TK17 and contribute. Who knows? I'll probably use your stuff in a video some day!
Mmm... I hate to be ''that guy'' but... why does her tail doesn't have the leopard print texture? The low-res wasn't that bad but I couldn't help but notice that her tail looked like a bent wooden stick. Was this intentional?

Also, since this one's the new #7, does that means that the old #7 is now #8?
Fantastic job as usual. Pretty commendable you actually went back and reworked all the lost episodes.
MP4 conversion never looks as good, but it does save space. For those wanting the original:

This one was tricky, as the furniture didn't like the shaders and the leopard skin is pretty low rez. Still, all 27 chapters so far are now done without any gaps in the story.

Time to work on number 28 I guess...